Monday, June 10, 2013

Gun exchange and poptart firearms

Immediately when someone hears gun exchange they think of the real thing... right? What about a toy gun exchange? I am beyond appalled that society has come to such a ridiculous event. Children should be able to grow up playing cops and robbers. The principal feels that a toy gun "desensitizes" children. I myself have grown up around the fake things, along with the real guns. My family has pictures of us as children shooting rifles and handguns, does that make me a bad person? No, if a child has been raised and taught safety, I do not feel that their is anything wrong with a child playing with toy guns.
Another recent incident that comes to mind is the child who bit his poptart into the shape of a gun. Here is the video in case you missed it.
Not only was the boy suspended for 2 days, the school offered counseling to students who were affected by this. Are you kidding me? Even if he did purposely bite the poptart into a gun and say bang, bang, what harm is he causing? Its loaded.... with filling! Now that I am all worked up, what is your opinion on the subject? Are toy guns bad for society? What harm do they bring? Has society taken it too far? 


  1. I'm surprised that the boy was suspended for two days. If anything, just sit out a recess. Which in my opinion I don't think it's even necessary. I don't think toy guys are bad for society at all. If they were playing REAL guys then that's a problem. Toy guns are just an entertainment for kids. They can't do any harm. I think the society has taken wayyyyy tooo far.

  2. I agree. The zero tolerance policy has gone too far. I think that kids will be kids. I also remember playing with toy (NERF) guns when I was younger, although my mom didn't care for them too much. Children want to reenact what they see and hear in order to understand themselves and their environment better. When they see guns on television and in games that is what they will want to play. Suspension was too harsh a punishment for a child acting like a child. It is a shame because it would have been a great learning opportunity for him to learn what is and isn't appropriate in that setting.

  3. Amanda--Your writing flows well, and your blog looks good. You are working to engage your audience with thoughtful topics and discussion. Good. You are thoughtful of your rhetoric, and you have good visual support. Keep digging into your content.
