The treat comes in a small 3.5 ounce container and are fairly reasonably. I found leaving them out on the counter for a few minutes before trying to serve them has worked best. Sometimes I just let them lick it out of the cup. One thing I like the most is they are made in the U.S.A!!
I also began looking into making frozen treats for the dogs to enjoy and recently came across this recipe for Peanut butter & banana treats.I found on Pinterest which linked me to creative housewife. They treats were very simple to make and I know what went into it and how it was prepared. It made me confident to give my dogs a little something extra to help keep them cool.
Have you found any frozen treats for your pets? Do you have any recommendations on ones that you have tried? I hope you take into consideration this summer that a dog can only cool down from panting and through their paws unlike humans. Help keep your pets cool and safe this summer!
What a cute post! Very considerate of you to put effort into finding the perfect, chilly treat for your dogs. I think dogs are adorable. :)